Wednesday, October 20, 2010


This week I read an article discussing the pros and cons of the LEED ratings for sustainable buildings.  LEED is a new rating system which provides possible points for creating a sustainable building by reducing energy uses in many different ways.  The system is becoming more main stream and many universities such as Clemson are requiring any new or restored buildings to acquire atleast a LEED Silver certification.

This is helpful because it is forcing many builders and owners to become more aware about their energy use and the efficiency of their building.  It is also a bad thing because most people focus only on getting the points and not the reason behind getting the points.  It is more of a game than a lifestyle.  Once more people realize the meaning behind sustainability and then begin applying that into their construction habits will the world become a much more efficient atmosphere.


  1. I think this new LEED rating system sounds like a wonderful idea. Not so wonderful if the builders are making a game out of it though. But it seems to me that for almost every type of energy-saving technique, it becomes a game, when like it said, it should become a lifestyle. People should quit worrying about meeting all these requirements and do it because it will help save energy and make this world a better place to live in.

  2. I was kind of wondering what LEED meant. The new Harris A. Smith Building/Sonoco Institute for Packaging Design and Graphics (where we have some graphics classes now) had a plaque or something that said LEED Silver on it. There are all kinds of things in that building to help it be more eco-friendly and use less energy. That is pretty sad though that people just want to get the points. Of course, I don't think everyone is like that, because being more environmentally friendly is definitely becoming more and more important these days.
