Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Architects and Steel

My major is Civil Engineering and the reading journal I chose is MSC, Modern Steel Construction.  The article "By God's Grace" by Anindya Dutta and John D. Meyer discusses a new Greek Orthodox complex to be built in NJ.  The combination of having a good architect and a good engineer is essential to building something impressive.  The difficulty is that the architects often create buildings that are not the easiest thing to actually build.

With this particular building, the church itself is circular and they decided to erect it using steel frames.  This is difficult because many of the steel pieces have to be prefabricated before they get to the site.  If they are not created perfectly then the building will not fit together like a puzzle.  Another problem is the large amount of field welding to be done.  With a dedicated team and attention to detail the building is able to be constructed.


  1. Sounds like an impressive building. I can't imagine how much planning and skill it takes to construct a building like that. You did a really good job of summarizing the article so that everyone can understand it.

  2. I never really think about how much work it takes into creating things like buildings- both on the design and construction side. It takes a lot of creativity,logic and intelligence to make something so vast, and especially with something so visual as a church. I can only imagine the amount of work that must go into a project like that, but I bet it's really cool to see your finished product!
