Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Learning to write very proper instructions is a very important tool to understand.  Without good instructions, simple tasks would take much more time and patience to complete than it normally should.  Even though most men do not like to look at or use instructions, they are needed.  With much more simple and readable instructions, they will become used much more.  I never thought the introduction of the instructions were very important only because most of the instructions I have read involve building/putting something together.  When writing instructions for an audience with little to no knowledge of the instructions' purpose, the introduction can be very helpful.


  1. I haven't really noticed any instructions that included an introduction, but maybe that's because I skipped them or they weren't good instructions. I am beginning to realize just how useful a good introduction can be for the reasons you gave above. A summarization of what comes later in the instructions is very helpful and prevents one from jumping right into the major steps before they have any idea as to what they are doing.

  2. True, i guess when the concern is to put something together, all that is really needed is the parts list and the "how to". Now that we have been given the information that is supposedly in most introductions, maybe next time i will give it some time to be read.
