Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Group Projects

Working in groups is an important part of learning about others and how to deal with others in a working environment.  There are many different types of different working characteristics which can work together to form a much better group, or backfire and make a group self destruct.

It is important to learn to work with all types of personalities because throughout your career, you will encounter all of these in the real world.  Working with others also helps you to figure out which personality you are and what you can do to improve your own characteristics.


  1. I agree that it is vital to be able to work with many different types of people to be successful in our careers. Having different personalities in a group can make the group more successful because each of those personalities will bring something new to the table.

    However, these different personalities have to be able to work together, which can be tricky. They need to be able to listen to each other. I hope our groups in this class can do that and we should make some pretty good projects!

  2. I agree as well. I work at the Clemson Engineering Research Lab and I have had to work on several projects will different people. Believe it or not the group project I did in school did help me out in the work world. Every single person you work with is different, nobody works the same and nine times out of ten they don't work like you. It can make things alittle difficult at first but if everyone in the group puts in equal effort then it should all work out just fine.

  3. I also agree that the ability to work in a group is a vital skill for working in the real world. I think there will always be people in groups who don't do the work or don't like you, but it's still important to learn how to deal with them.

    I know I've learned a lot about others' personalities as well as my own personality over my years as a student working on group projects. I'm really curious to see how this project turns out. I think it will be a lot more educational than most group projects I've worked on in the past.

  4. I completely agree. I think that it is important to be able to work with multiple types of personalities, it makes you a more versatile person. In the real world you do not get to pick you groups based on what you have in common and how you class schedule aligns.

    Also some personalities do compliment each other better than others. Some personalities are impossible to blend. We should all strive to never be those impossible group members.
