Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Post

This is the first post for English 314 section 18.  Today we discussed rhetoric and how it is everywhere.  I believe everything that is said has some sense of rhetoric and that is why it is often overlooked or even disliked.


  1. I think rhetoric is disliked when it comes to not working in ones favor. It all depends on the situation. I agree with you when it comes to it being often overlooked. However it is used a whole lot.!

  2. I agree with you, there is some sense of rhetoric in everything. We are all individuals and have different points of view. We may agree on some points so nothing needs to be argued. Then there are the points that there is disagreement. I know that I will argue my side so that it would be believed.

  3. I agree that it is used a lot as well. And of course, people only seem to notice it when it is being used negatively against them.
